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Radical Improvement

By April 23, 2021September 23rd, 2024Law Practice Management, success mindset

Radical Improvement

A lot of lawyers are frazzled.

They want to work less. But need to earn more.

And they also want more time for family, hobbies and the other stuff that makes life worth living.

Are these things incompatible?

It might seem so.

But what if there was a radical solution to this problem?

How many lawyers would try it? No doubt, for many, the idea of doing something ’radical’ would turn them off.

In 1968 Dick Fosbury tried something radical at the summer Olympics in Mexico City.

That’s when he set the world record for the high jump: 7 feet, 4 inches.

He did it using the now-famous ”Fosbury Flop.” Instead of turning his body towards the bar, he turned his back on it.

He brought his legs up and flipped over backwards.

That’s how he set the world record. And his method is now the standard way of high jumping.

7’ 4” and a new world record.

Want to guess why no one ever tried Fosbury’s method before 1968?

Probably because it was too radical, right? It seemed completely crazy.

People have trouble accepting radical solutions.

Even if the old ones have stopped creating significant improvement.

People have trouble with change.

They like what’s familiar.

Back in 2003 when I told fellow lawyers that getting rid of paper would make them more efficient they thought I was crazy.

And they thought using the cloud was too radical.

But these things are now accepted as normal. Just like the Fosbury Flop.


How happy are you with your practice?

Do you need to create a breakthrough?

Do you want to work less, but make more and have more time off?

Are those goals incompatible?

Maybe so…

If you keep trying the the old “work harder” trick.

But what if you tried something radically different?

Just like Dick Fosbury did in 1968.

Sometimes radical isn’t crazy; it’s smart.

Working smarter might the radical solution you’re looking for.

Radical Improvement.. Something to think about.

General Resources

Learn how to completely transform your practice with the Smart Lawyers Tech Guide.
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