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Email Efficiency Tricks & E-Discovery Tips

By October 5, 2012June 11th, 2024CLE for Lawyers,

Do you wish that you had some magic ways of making your email easier to deal with?

If you’re a New Orleans lawyer (or live within driving distance), you should consider coming to the next CLE seminar that we’re doing. For those who have been to our CLE seminars you know that we don’t have the usual lame presentation. People who come to our seminars pay attention and ask great questions. Our seminars are informative and fun. Crazy, I know. But true.

The 3 hour seminar we’re doing on Friday afternoon of October 19th is going to be another one of those seminars. What kinds of things might you learn? Here are some questions we plan to answer:

  • How can you make it so that the only emails that show up in your inbox during the day are from people that you actually need to do work for?
  • What happens to the non-essential emails, and how can you easily process them as well? (The answer to both questions is part of the same trick, and it’s a game-changer).
  • If you blind carbon a bunch of people on an email can they look at the metadata and discover who else was bcc’d?
  • If you’re doing E-discovery and want to get the metadata associated with email is that going to cost more money? And, if so, how much more money?
  • Does it make sense for lawyers to use cloud-based email services such as the ones provided by Google (and, more recently: Microsoft)?
  • What ethical pitfalls are most likely to happen when lawyers use email, and is there an easy way to avoid those problems?

These questions and many more (including any you bring to the seminar) are going to be answered. All you have to do is sign up. For more information (and to sign up), click here. In addition to great information you’ll also get 3 hours of CLE credit, including an hour of Ethics credit.

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