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Ever hear that saying, “when the student is ready the teacher will appear”?

And, have you ever wondered if there’s a “teacher” that can help you improve your law firm’s operations or profitability?

Well, let me answer the second question for you.

Yes, there are people out there who can help you improve your law firm. The problem is that there are too many who claim they can but really can’t.

And, some who are good at helping with one part of your practice aren’t necessarily great at helping with other areas of your practice.

So the mystical “teacher” who will supposedly appear when you’re ready might not be one single person.

But it’s true that, if you’re NOT looking for anyone to help you, then you won’t find any teachers.

That is, if you’re not looking then they won’t “show up” because you won’t see them if they do show up.

My guess is, if you’re like most attorneys who periodically endure frustration or overwhelm,…

You’ve scanned the horizon from time to time looking for someone who might help you improve your firm’s operations. Or someone to help you get more/better clients.

And maybe you’ve come across lawyer-guides like Lee Rosen, John Fisher, Billy Tarascio, Carolyn Elefant, Ben Glass, Sam Glover, or Alexis Neely.

Those are just a few of the dozens of folks who have taken up the mantle of helping fellow lawyers improve their practices.’

(Just as I have. *wink*)

Obviously, I enjoy helping my fellow lawyers as I know those folks I just mentioned do.

And, by the way…

I’ve written before about how I don’t consider these folks competitors (because I’m just as happy if you get help from one of them as if you get help from me).

Look, here’s the way I see it…

I want you to take bold action that will help you get massive improvement, so how you get it or where you get it isn’t important to me.

Plus, I’ll admit that there are things I know really well, and things I’m not as well versed in.

So, maybe I’m not the best person to help you. And if not, then I want you to find that best person as quick as possible.

And since I mentioned the topic of limits on knowledge/skill I might as well complete the picture as far as my knowledge and skills…

Here’s what I believe I’m particularly good at helping with:

  • The using technology to simplify your practice and make it easier to manage (so if your goal is to build a big firm that’s filled with complexity I’m not your guy).
  • The fundamentals of marketing, including online marketing, but ESPECIALLY the art and science of getting more referrals by sending emails to a curated list of referral sources, (i.e. friends, family and colleagues).
  • Practical psychology including ways of overcoming resistance to change (we all face internal and external challenges when we try to bring about big changes)
  • The vital few keys to creating massive change, and how to stay focused on those important things (i.e. avoiding the “shiny objects” that sabotage our success in insidious little ways).

So those are the main skills I bring to the table for the lawyers I help.

But I also have another skill that’s important (if you’re going to assume the role of teacher)…

I know how to explain things in a useful way that results in action being taken and meaningful results being obtained.

That is, I know how to lay out the big picture. And how to put things in context.

The biggest thing I’ve learned is this: you shouldn’t wait for a teacher to show up.

You need to go find one, and preferably one that speaks to you in a way that makes sense to you.

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