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Automated Referrals for Solo Lawyers

By June 13, 2023July 3rd, 2023law practice, Marketing for Lawyers

Getting a steady flow of good clients is a significant challenge for solo lawyers.

As the competition for legal services intensifies, lawyers need to find better ways to stand out as the go-to choice for potential clients.

Referrals are the best way to get clients

Getting more referrals is about staying top of mind. So people remember you when they’re asked for a referral.

There are lots of ways to orchestrate referrals, but some are better than others.

For example, consider taking people to lunch. That works well and you should do some of that. But…

The cost of taking people to lunch adds up in two ways: time & money.

Spending a lot of time taking people to lunch isn’t feasible for many lawyers, especially solo lawyers.

Personal networking at community events and conferences is a good way to meet and engage with lots of people at once.

That can save a lot of money and some time.

But going to events isn’t the best solution either.

Too many solo lawyers are woefully deficient in getting referrals because for want of a sustainable system, one that doesn’t require too much time or money.

The Best Way to Get Referrals

The best way to get referrals is through Email Marketing.

Unlike other referral-getting methods, sending emails is dirt cheap and takes very little time.

(as little as 30 minutes per month)

Email is a surprisingly powerful tool for staying top of mind in a noisy, highly-distracted world.

This method doesn’t require any special skill or tech knowledge.

With a service like or , setting up and automating an email newsletter is incredibly easy.

And that’s the key to this superior method for getting referrals…

A Monthly Email Newsletter

A monthly newsletter makes it easy to mass deliver useful legal tips, or news about your practice. One that serves as a gentle reminder of your expertise in a particular area of law.

The power of that reminder is massive when you use an automated email service to deliver your newsletter to many people all at once.

By sending your newsletter consistently, you’ll maintain an ongoing connection with referral sources in the easiest way possible.

And yet you’ll the likelihood that they’ll think of you when the moment for a referral comes.

Email marketing gives you affordable scale

As your referral network grows in an effortless way (because of sending emails regularly), you’ll find yourself spending almost no time at all on marketing.

Imagine spending only 30 minutes per month and yet having a steady stream of great clients reaching out to you like clockwork.

Think about how much power there is in automating emails.

Especially the kind that get you more good referrals.

Bottom Line

Email marketing has the highest ROI of any kind of automation a busy lawyer might adopt.

And if you want to learn more about email marketing, check this out.

Learn how to completely transform your practice with the Smart Lawyers Tech Guide.
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