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An Invisible Problem

By September 17, 2021April 15th, 2024Law Firm Operations, Law Practice Management

Manual labor, as you know, is and .

Knowledge work is much more interesting, and definitely more lucrative.

However, because of digital technology, knowledge work has become more complex and confusing (unlike factory work which is easy to understand and do).

The New World of Work

Increasingly, we spend time peering into LED screens trying to make sense of digital information.

Overwhelming amounts of digital information.

And guess what else is problematic?

This digital information we’re dealing with more and more is completely invisible (unless we peer into those dreaded LED screens).

Have you ever stopped to think about this? Most people don’t.

But they should because it explains a lot.

For example, here’s an important question that gets to the heart of a lot of our feelings of confusion and frustration…

How do you learn to work more effectively with digital information when you can‘t observe how other people are working with it?

We humans learn best by observation.

Digital = Invisible = Confusing

So this invisibility of digital information is a bigger problem than we tend to realize.

It’s a big reason for a lot of confusion and uncertainty. And, as you probably know uncertainty causes us stress.

Here’s one thing that is certain: the old ways of improving how we do our knowledge work are obsolete. This is why…

We need to think about digital work in a completely new way.

Shifting your thinking is challenging. But it‘s vital if you want to gain confidence and clarity.

Learning to do digital work requires you to “work smarter,” not just harder.

But the good news is there are in learning to work smarter. This is what I’ve been preaching to lawyers for the past decade.

Of course, not every lawyer believes in this. I’ve this does not make sense to everyone.


If it makes sense to you then I’m ready to help you learn the new rules of working more effectively in the Digital Age.

It’s not always easy. But nothing worth doing ever is, right?

Learn how to completely transform your practice with the Smart Lawyers Tech Guide.
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