To create a better practice you should leverage technology. Here are my top tech recommendations for simplifying, automating and outsourcing your way to freedom.

Show Notes

Here’s my a link to download my top tech recommendations, and here’s my best overall advice:

After having worked for over a decade with hundreds of lawyers in all kinds of practices, I’ve zeroed in on three essential elements for making any kind of law practice run a LOT smoother.

1. Simplicity

The simpler your practice is, the better. But how do you create simplicity?

You start by creating systems; for doing common workflows. But you also have to eliminate unnecessary complexity . When you do these two things, your practice will become exponentially easier to run.

2. Automation

This is where technology will make the biggest difference. And when you get enough solid automation going, some key parts of your practice will start to run more by themselves—without you having to be involved.

There’s a lot that you can theoretically automate, but I recommend starting with text-based automation , online scheduling services , and email-based referral marketing . That’s where you’ll get the biggest payoff the most quickly.

Once you’ve locked in solid automation in those areas you’ll start feeling a lot more relaxed and in control.

3. Mobility

When you get adept at working remotely , using cloud services , and virtual assistance , well…

Then you’ll finally start to enjoy massive freedom.

You’ll spend zero time doing drudgery and more time away from work, having fun.

Harsh Truth Time

Technology, by itself, is not going to make your practice better.

But using it haphazardly (as many lawyers do) will almost certainly make things worse, not better.

Look, technology needs to be used sensibly to fully harness its power.

And if you want to know how to use it sensibly, and effectively —in a way that leads to radical improvement…

…here are two ways that I can help you do that sooner rather than later.

LawFirm Autopilot – Online Program

This is my signature program for learning to simplify, automate and outsource key aspects of your law practice. You can learn more about it here .

Lot’s of lawyers have used it to make big changes, even some who call themselves “dinosaur lawyers.”

Here are some of the things people have said about this program…

  • “I can honestly say that I’m years ahead of where I would be if had not done this…” —Keith Magness
  • “My practice has grown exponentially because of Ernie.”—Stephanie Quigley
  • “Ernie is the man to know if you’re trying to build your practice and take it to the next level.”—Charles Irvin

The Autopilot program is self-directed so you can go through it at your own pace.

But some folks want more hands on guidance, and want to get results faster. And for them, I offer my 2-Day Live Conference

Happening May 7th & 8th 2020

The Small Firm Bootcamp will be the fastest way to improve your practice, and it includes the Autopilot course as a FREE BONUS.

There will be 18 nationally recognized speakers/consultants that I can personally guarantee will be among the best you’ve ever seen.

They’ll be covering important topics like

  • Creating & refining systems to make your practice run smoother
  • Identifying best options for practice management software
  • Keeping your data secure against hacking or inadvertent loss
  • How to attract better clients by using tasteful, but powerful marketing tactics & tools
  • How to automate the creation of documents using macros and voice-to-text software and apps
  • How to leverage virtual assistance effectively, including how to get part-time lawyer assistance

You can read more about the speakers here , and we’ll be revealing the final agenda in a few days.

The most important thing to bear in mind is this: the agenda for the live event is optimized for learning things that can best be learned in a live event.

Whatever can be better explained or taught in an online webinar or lesson has been placed in the online materials that you get access to immediately upon registration. The idea being that you can start working on your practice right away, and do so at your own pace.

Finally, if you’ve enjoyed this podcast you’ll probably appreciate my Co-Pilot coaching program …which is designed to help you to harness the power of modern technology so you can start working less, earning more, and enjoying more time off.


General Resources

Thanks to Our Sponsors

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He helps thought leaders, influencers, executives, HR professionals, recruiters, lawyers, realtors, bloggers, coaches, and authors create, launch, and produce podcasts that grow their business and impact the world.
Find out more at EmeraldCity Pro