Law school tries to teach us to think well, and perhaps it gets us started on the right path.
But, learning to think well is an ongoing challenge.
This Farnam St. article explains the problem concisely:
“The best way to improve your ability to think is to spend time thinking. The problem is we want thinking to be easy and it’s often not. Easy thinking carries a high cost.”
People tend to believe that they’re thinking simply because thoughts flow through their minds.
But, at best, that’s just “easy thinking,” which often leads to huge mistakes.
As lawyers, we need to be thinking at a much higher level. And we need to keep working on improving our thinking.
If you want to do that check out the Farnam St. blog.
And definitely read The Difference Between Truth and Honesty: What Law School Teaches us About Insight, Logic, and Thinking.
I’m confident you’ll gain some useful insights if you do.
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