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Going solo – what people have said to me.

By March 2, 2006April 15th, 2024Uncategorized

Years ago I left the safety of working for a firm to go out on my own. I’ve never looked back and it was the best decision I ever made.

[From a state court judge]  I am very happy for you and wish you luck. Having a solo practice is more rewarding than most people realize. If there is anything that I can do, please don’t hesitate in contacting me.

Good for you!  As someone who made a similar drastic change a little over three years, let me tell you this: You’re going to be glad you did it.  And in just a short while, you’re going to experience a feeling that can’t ever be topped — winning on your terms.

[A newspaper reporter in Washington] With the build-up of the first graph, I thought for sure you were getting a sex change operation or joining the circus.

Go man, go!  Sometimes jumping off the cliff is the hardest, but best, step to take.

I’ve always maintained that private practice is the best and worst thing you’ll ever do. No one could have talked me out of it (and didn’t even try), and for over 20 years I flourished.

Congrats on your move, and good luck with the new practice. So long as your workload doesn’t interfere with your blogging, I’m sure all of us will support your decision.

Ernie, congrats on seizing the opportunity.  It’s been twenty-three years since I first took that step and I’ve never regreted it.  In fact, it is one of the reasons that I still enjoy the practice of law.

Congratulations Ernie.  It always very pleasant to see people take risks and follow their dreams.

Congrats.  It’s going to be a move you’ll never regret (except for a few minutes each day, but that passes).

[From a federal judge] As a former solo practitioner, I can assure you that your practice will be rewarding (although at times nerve-wracking – but well worth it !).  After being with a firm for 8 years, I never looked back.. If you ever want to talk and exchange ideas, please give me a call.

Although we only met for a brief moment at Sprint (Nextel) on Vets near David Dr, I felt as though I had met a friend.  I wish you continued success on your new journey.

[From a lawyer in Oakland, reflecting on starting his solo practice] I found that I could function well with 15 to 20 cases since my overhead ran at less than 1/3 of gross receipts.  I would bet that you never kept 2/3’s of the money you brought in.  More importantly, I liked who I was as an attorney.  It became not just an extension of who I am as a human being, but also identical with the core of who I am as a person.  That was enormously satisfying.

Congratulations! You are now doing the high wire act without the net and I am sure you will be successful.

Ernest, It was clear to me from the get-go that you’ve got too much mojo not to be solo. You may, however, end up sharing space with kindred spirits and be open to the fractals that might ensue.


  • phuong says:

    Xin chao, Minh den tu HL, minh mong muon duoc lam quen voi tat ca cac ban. Thanks you

  • phuong says:

    Hallo, hallo, hallo, hallo, hallodjsaljgfdl

  • TomL says:

    Congrats. I practiced solo since 1979 until about a year and a half ago, when I took a position with the federal public defender. There’s nothing quite like running your own law practice.

    You will still need colleagues, perhaps even more than before, so make friends with (almost) every lawyer nearby so you can help each other with knowledge and referrals.

    Seriously consider getting a massage once a week and take substantial vacations. Vacations are not optional.

    I ordered *Getting Things Done* pre-publication and it made a huge difference in my practice and life. I found, however, that as a solo practitioner the weekly review wasn’t frequent enough, so when things really seemed to be spinning out of control–as they often do in a solo practice–a quick review was far more effective than a strong tranquilizer.

  • Beanie says:

    Big congrats on the move! A friend of mine keeps saying if we ever pass the Bar in our state, that’s what we should do.

  • Rick Klau says:

    So excited for you, buddy. Congrats on the leap, I can’t wait to read all about it. Good luck!

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