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Would you like a jazz band with that meal?

What’s your vision for your law practice?

I hope you have a really BIG one.

That’s going to be important for a lot of reasons. One of which is that you need an exciting goal to keep you powering through the small stuff.

Brutal Truth Time

The process of building any successful business will often be boring and feel tedious.

You are going to have to roll up your sleeves and delve into the nooks and crannies until you can effectively learn to delegate those parts.

This is the boring, tedious part.

And like I said, eventually, you can delegate these boring, tedious parts.

But, the most important part of building a successful law business can NOT be delegated.

And to get through the process of building your business up…

You are going to have to stay focused and be persistent.

Persistence is what will get you a BIG result.

So the first question I have is: are you looking to transform your practice and make it incredibly amazing?

Or are you just looking to make some tweaks?

Either way, I can help you.

But if you’re swinging for the fences I’ll be more excited about helping you.

Not that it’s about me or what I want. It’s not.


But, as we get to know each other more through these blog posts, I guess I’d like to know…

Are you like this guy (from the movie The Founder)?Or are you more like the character played by Michael Keaton?

Michael Keaton plays Ray Kroc, who is the main character of the movie The Founder.

The guys who founded McDonald’s built a great restaurant that was systematized and highly efficient.


Their vision was focused on only that one restaurant.

Vision is The #1 Key

Ray Kroc’s vision was to scale the systems in that one restaurant and apply it to MANY restaurants across the United States.

Now, I’m not saying you should scale your law firm and replicate it across the country.

I’m just asking how bold is your vision?

And more importantly, what exactly is your vision for how your law firm will serve clients?

(and what’s your vision for the life you want that your practice will support)

You can NOT delegate your vision of how your firm will serve clients.

That’s the most important part.

So, you should be super clear about your vision —because all of the systems that get developed will need to support that vision.

Meet Ella Brennan

I never met Ray Kroc, but I have a sense of his vision by watching the movie The Founder (which I highly recommend by the way).

But I did get to know Ella Brennan.

And by working in her famous New Orleans restaurant (right before law school), I learned a lot about having a vision for your business and using systems to support that vision.

For example, here’s some of what I learned.

Hopefully, I can help you learn some more useful lessons about creating systems that support your vision.

It’s kind of a big deal if you want a happy law practice.

Oh, and by the way…

Ella Brennan probably had a long list of things she wanted for her restaurant, and some of them may have evolved over time.

But one thing she’s famous for is the following declaration…

“I don’t want a restaurant where a jazz band can’t come marching through.”

And, because of that aspect of her vision, a lot of jazz bands have marched through her restaurant.

Use technology to radically improve your law practice by focusing on the few core elements that have the biggest impact.
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