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Law Firm Systems

Online Workspaces for Lawyer
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Creating law firm systems is the best investment any solo or small firm lawyer can make to improve their practice.

The Path to Freedom

If you want to handle work more easily and confidently (and be able to take on more work), then…

You need to delegate work more easily, confidently, and reliably. Which, in turn, means you need…


Every business owner who wants to delegate work effectively and reliably needs systems.

Today, most business owners need systems optimized for paperless automation, virtual collaboration, and outsourcing.

Lawyers need systems

Law firm owners who want better work-life balance appreciate the power of systems.

As California attorney Jeff Lewis discovered in his practice…

Creating SOPs is key

The key element is documenting procedures (“SOPs”) that describe exactly how you want every task to be done.

Many lawyers struggle to make this happen, which is why the Law Firm Systems program was created.

This program will give you step-by-step guidance, helping you develop best practices for creating smart systems that enable you to offload more work with the utmost confidence.


Learning how to create systems is a game changer. That’s what this program will help you accomplish, as it did Lynn Coleman.

Once you understand the importance of developing systems, the next question is…

How will you learn?

You will learn in a way that’s effective, convenient, and fast-paced.

So, what does that mean exactly?

Well, it means that you’ll start by learning…

1-on-1 with Ernie

So, here’s exactly what happens after you sign up:

  1. You’ll watch a short introductory video.
  2. Next you’ll learn about special software that will help you learn how to document SOPs, manage them so you can delegate more work, more effectively.
  3. You’ll sign up for a FREE 28-day trial of the software.
  4. Next, you’ll click a link to schedule an introductory 45-minute Zoom session with Ernie.
  5. In the session Ernie will teach you to use the software which will also help you learn to create systems for delegating effectively and reliably.
  6. Then you and Ernie will pick a regular day of the week & time for the four additional Zoom sessions.
  7. In each session you’ll receive a batch of template SOPs. And you’ll continue learning how to define workflows so others can easily follow your written instructions (i.e., SOPs).
  8. Throughout the initial 30 day crash course, you’ll have continuous access to Ernie via text messages and email.
  9. By the end of the 30-day period you’ll have received over 90 template SOPs to use in your practice.
  10. Once the initial 30 day training is complete, if you choose to, you’ll receive help with hiring a remote VA who can continue to help you with creating SOPs and managing them. The VAs can be hired for between $6 and $10 per hour.
  11. Finally, you’ll receive complimentary access to the Co-Pilot group coaching program (for two months). This will help you continue to make improvements in a convenient way that leads to big results as you make steady progress.

What templates will you receive?

The first batch of documents you’ll get will include:

Learn with others

After the 4-week initial training is over, you will enter the Co-Pilot program. There you’ll be able to learn from other lawyers who’ve systematized their practices.

Many lawyers find this to be the most valuable aspect of the program.

Lifetime Access

And remember, you’ll be getting lifetime access to all of the lessons and resources that are part of this program.

Now, having said all that, it’s important to address one more important point.

Who is the Systems Intensive for?

It’s for law firm owners:

  • Who want to optimize their operations for peak performance
  • Who want to empower team members, including new hires, so they learn quickly and then continue to excel
  • Who recognize the value of crystal-clear directions via SOPs to enable seamless delegation of work
  • Who want to harness the power of  remote VAs and know that precise guidance is the key component
  • Who see the bigger picture (i.e. that every documented procedure is a long-term, high-yield asset)
  • Who appreciate the strategic significance of SOPs, beyond just having a short-term fix

The program is NOT for

  • Lawyers who have no decision-making authority in their firm (non-owners & non-managers)
  • Lawyers not interested in taking time to improve their operational efficiency

Systems = checklists

“Now instead of trying to recreate the wheel, I can just follow the procedure myself…”

Immigration attorney Bin Xia Zhang thinks of systems as “checklists” that are helpful ven when he’s the one doing the work.

Summary of Benefits

The main value of the Law Firm Systems program will be the impact it will have on your practice.

You will learn a lot quickly, mostly because you’ll start with one-on-one guidance from Ernie.

Plus you have access to self-directed learning via online resources such as lessons, videos, and other downloadable resources.

You can revisit these lessons anytime. And you will get updated lessons as they are developed (free of charge). And you can retake the intensive group Zoom sessions anytime you want in the future.

Stop Procrastinating…

And get bonuses

When you enroll in the Systems program, you’ll receive lifetime access to these bonus resources worth over $1,000.

  • Working Smarter course ($395 value when bought separately)
  • Small Firm Bootcamp recordings ($395 value when bought separately)
  • Effective Marketing course ($297 when purchased separately)
  • SweetProcess course ($97 when purchased separately)

Co-Pilot membership

You also get free 2-month enrollment in the Co-Pilot group coaching program (which is $310 value).

Benefits of Co-Pilot

When you get access to Co-Pilot, you can participate in the two monthly Zoom calls we do, where we mostly focus on systems building and email marketing.

This is probably the most powerful benefit you’ll receive, as you’ll discover for yourself once you’re enrolled.

Ready to Start?

If you have questions, that’s okay. Just click one of the links below:

More Praise for the Program

Here’s how lawyers say the program helped them.

Are you ready to improve?

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