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Effective management

By April 19, 2019February 7th, 2025focus on essentials, law practice, wisdom

Efficiency and Effectiveness: Peter Drucker’s Insights

Have you read Peter Drucker’s The Effective Executive, by any chance?

It’s widely considered one of the best books on self-management in business. And since running your practice is a business, you should be aware of it.

Even better, you should own a copy and read it closely.

Well-known business coach and best-selling author Jim Collins said he’s read the book dozens of times. So that should tell you something.

Here are some nuggets from the book so you can get a flavor of the wisdom…

“To be reasonably effective it is not enough…to be intelligent, to work hard, or to be knowledgeable. Effectiveness is something separate, something different.”

Drucker admonishes that effectiveness “has to be learned.” That is, no one is naturally gifted at being effective.

Here’s a famous quote from Drucker:

“Efficiency is doing things right. Effectiveness is doing the right things.”

Why Should Lawyers Embrace Efficiency and Effectiveness?

For most busy people, it’s hard to instinctively know which things are the right things to do.

So we have to learn. But from whom?

And who, specifically, should lawyers learn from?

Well, ideally, from lawyers who value insight and who are willing to invest in growing their practices steadily and sensibly.

And definitely not from people like this.

Efficiency and Effectiveness, Not Inherent But Learnable

Drucker’s belief that no one is inherently gifted with effectiveness underlines the importance of continuous learning and growth. His wisdom resonates with legal practitioners who aim for Efficiency and Effectiveness in their practices. As he put it so eloquently, to be reasonably effective, it’s not enough to be intelligent or hardworking; Effectiveness is a different trait, it has to be learned.

Avoiding Mistakes

Adhering to Drucker’s teachings of Efficiency and Effectiveness can help lawyers avoid common pitfalls and mistakes in managing their practices. By focusing on the right things and executing them well, legal practitioners can significantly enhance their productivity and success. After all, effectiveness is doing the right things – and doing them right is the essence of efficiency.

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