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Ditch the Paper: How to Become a Mobile Lawyer

By April 17, 2014November 20th, 2024law practice, mobile lawyering, paperless workflows

Lawyers love to ask me about going digital, and the main one is always the same: “What’s the best way to switch?”

My answer is simple: rip off the Band-Aid and do it all at once. Inevitably, they follow up with: “What’s the second best way?”

Here’s the simple truth

The second best way is to start by going mobile.

The less paper you lug around, the more freedom you gain. Paper doesn’t just weigh down your briefcase—it chains you to an office, a desk, and a fixed address.

I thought I had mobility figured out until Hurricane Katrina hit. Suddenly, I wasn’t just mobile—I was nomadic. That chaos forced me to rethink my attachment to paper and all the other things tying me to a specific spot.

One of the toughest anchors to cut loose? Your physical mailing address. You can’t avoid it, and mail piles up whether you’re there to collect it or not. But what if your mail came to you digitally, wherever you were?

That’s where Earth Class Mail saves the day.

Here’s how it works: Earth Class Mail lets you pick one of their regional P.O. centers as your new mailing address. They’ll scan your mail and email you the images, giving you the power to decide: shred it, open it to scan the contents, or store it.

Pricing starts at $19 per month for personal plans. For bigger needs, Premium MailBox plans start at $79 per month for up to 20 users, and businesses can opt for MailRoom plans tailored for enterprise use.

Is it worth it? For many people, maybe not.

But if you’re traveling for months or working without a fixed office, Earth Class Mail is a game-changer. It turns your physical mail into a digital workflow, freeing you to work from anywhere (just like lawyer Jeff Austin).

Key Takeaway

Mobility starts with shedding the paperweight—literally.

Use technology to radically improve your law practice by focusing on the few core elements that have the biggest impact.


  • anywhere says:

    Since you reviewed this service the rates have changed considerably. For that minimal number of scans you mention the rate has more than doubled to $40-50 per month.

    The new rates are not even advertised yet, but they have notified all new customers of the new rates.

  • Hey Ernie!

    I’m glad to see other attorneys are considering the Earth Class Mail solution. I was really torn between it and a typical rented mailbox. Of course my wife thought Earth Class Mail seemed ridiculous. 🙂

    For me, the killer was not being able to have a local address. I’m in Fredericksburg, Virginia. The closest address are Richmond and DC. I didn’t figure clients would like seeing that on my business cards. But if they had an address here, I would probably give them a try. I just love the idea of controlling my mail online.

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