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Want a big breakthrough?

If you’re like most people, big breakthroughs tend to come only when an experienced guide shows you exactly what to do, helps you do it, and then holds you accountable so you stay on track.

If that interests you, keep reading to learn about my 1-on-1 coaching program.

One Month: Four Sessions

When you sign up, you commit to only one month of Zoom sessions, four (4) per month. In return, I ensure you get the breakthrough you’re looking for, without having to commit to something vague and uncertain.

Once you get a big breakthrough you’ll have a solid understanding of how my coaching helps you get big results. Then…

If you want, continue

After the initial period, we can continue fine-tuning the system we created together. Or we can go on to work on something else.

Most people find it’s enough to continue with my group coaching program (Co-Pilot) and not re-enroll in the 1:1 coaching. But if you want to re-enroll, you can.

Bottom line: this program is not like other coaching programs. My goal is to help you get the breakthroughs you need and empower you to continue on your own if that’s what’s best for you.

How will this help?

I can help with important things like these:

  • Improving your use of automation in workflows to create greater efficiency
  • Creating SOPs to improve workflows, and allow for better delegation (or outsourcing).
  • Finding and using affordable VAs (e.g. including ones in the Philippines)
  • Develop better marketing (i.e. using an easy to write email newsletter)
  • Starting a new firm and getting the right technology in place
  • Creating Passive Income (i.e. earn revenue from one thing that you sell repeatedly)

Ready to Sign Up?

If you want help things like that and ready to get started, click here to sign up.

If you want to know more, book a free call to see specifically how I might help.

In case you’re wondering…

Most lawyers want help with systems

Law firm owners really appreciate having systems in place. As California attorney Jeff Lewis describes…

“When I got sick recently, my team was able to follow our systems to bring in four new matters, and get court filings done, all in my absence. I really appreciate all that I learned in this program.”


Lynn Coleman also learned the value of having systems in a law practice…

“The program could not have come at a better time! Documenting procedures is soooooo important for me.”

Once you realize the need to create systems to make your practice run smoother, the big question is…

How will we work together?

We’ll have Zoom meetings that are recorded and transcribed in case you want to review anything afterwards. I’ll also give you access to several important resources that we can discuss before we get started.

How do we get started?

It’s just a two steps, which are as follows:

  1. Fill out this Law Practice Assessment so I have a picture of what your practice looks like now.
  2. Book a Zoom call with me (which you’ll get a link to after completing the assessment in Step #2). In that call we’ll discuss exactly what we’ll work on and schedule the Zoom sessions.

How the group coaching works

In addition to the 1:1 coaching, you’ll also receive complimentary access to the Co-Pilot group coaching program (for two months). This will help you continue to make breakthroughs and interact with other lawyers who’ve had breakthroughs and can help you stay on track as well.

Benefits of Co-Pilot

When you get access to Co-Pilot, you can participate in the two monthly Zoom calls we do, where we focus on systems building, automation, ChatGPT/AI, outsourcing, cybersecurity, and digital marketing (including productizing services or “passive income side-hustle”).

Many lawyers find this to be the most valuable aspect of the program, like New York business attorney Dwight Yellen:

“The program provided a way to look closely at my law firm’s systems. And seeing how other people do their processes was very valuable.”

What’s the value of Co-Pilot?

Ordinarily a 2-month enrollment in Co-Pilot would coast $310. But you get it without additional cost, as part of the one-month of coaching with me.

Lifetime Access to Resources

And remember you’ll be getting lifetime access to all of the lessons and resources that are part of this program.

You also receive lifetime access to these bonus resources worth over $1,000.

  • Working Smarter course ($395 value when bought separately)
  • Small Firm Bootcamp recordings ($395 value when bought separately)
  • Effective Marketing course ($297 when purchased separately)

Who is this program for?

It’s for law firm owners:

  • Who want to optimize their operations for peak performance
  • Who recognize the value of crystal-clear directions via SOPs to enable seamless delegation of work
  • Who want to harness the power of affordable outsourcing and know that precise guidance is the key component
  • Who want to make better use of automation, but as part of a systematic operational process (not just haphazard use of it)

Lawyers like these

You will have a chance to engage with these attorneys others like them because they’re members of my online community, which you’ll get access to after you sign up.

Long Term Benefits

The main value of this coaching program will be the long term impact it will have on your practice.

You will learn a lot quickly but you’ll learn things that matter most and in the long run. And the best way to start is to just take action like San Antonio lawyer Lynnelle Loke Moore:

“The program helped me overcome procrastination. I most appreciated seeing how other people created their procedures.”

Do you have questions?

If you have any questions, shoot me a Direct Message. Or click here to schedule a call if you prefer to speak to me in person.

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